Specializing in INDUSTRIAL & Commercial CONTROLs
The team at CAM Controls is committed to providing solutions for simple to complex applications. Our capabilities include a wide array of control systems we have implemented in both the industrial and commercial markets. We work smart and strive to be your resource when you need a control house. Our work experiences and integration efforts include the following but not limited to:
- Ammonia Refrigeration Control Systems
- Building Automation Control Systems
- Batching Control Systems for single concrete plants
- Process Controls
- UL 508A Panel Shop Design/Engineering/Assembly & Fabrication
- Real-time Monitoring
- Energy Efficiency dashboards and diagnostics
- Fault Detection and Diagnostics
- Scalability of systems across the shop floor network
- Compliance and Safety awareness for a wide spectrum of customers

We offer efficient & innovative automation solutions

To learn more, contact
Jeff Hawthorne, Vice President | jeffh@coolairmechanical.com
(763) 772-5414